SuperFood Culture
Bachelors' Health and Nutrition
Team of 3
Duration- 3 months
According to Queensland University of Technology study, people who live by themselves are more likely to have unhealthy diets. Bachelors get busy with work, studies and other daily affairs this leads to a neglect in their food habits. A lifestyle built out of these habits can result in poor physical and even mental health.
“Our results found that people who live alone have a lower diversity of food intake and a lower consumption of some core food groups like fruits and vegetables and fish,”
Katherine Hanna, Ph.D.
(Queensland University of Technology)
Problem Statement
How might we help bachelors to inculcate healthy eating habits by improving the kitchen experience ?
What do bachelors feel about the problem?
Online Survey was conducted to understand users and their lifestyle. We identified four types of users with different motivations.
Cooks daily
Health > Price > Taste > Convenience
Appoint cook/ helper
Price > Convenience > Health > Taste
Cooks occasionally
Convenience > Health > Taste > Price
Eats at a mess/ Gets lunchbox delivered
Taste > Convenience > Price > Health
Primary Research
1. To understand the patterns within the everyday eating and
cooking habits of working bachelors (aged 20-40)
2. To understand how different working bachelors (of different
genders and affinity towards cooking) think about their food
and how their lifestyle and environment influence eating habits.
Sample Demographics
Rare cooks
SAMPLE 1 (5 individuals)
Ages: 20-30
Nationality: Indian
Locations: Pune, Bangalore, Kochi, Trivandrum
Regular cooks
SAMPLE 1 (5 individuals)
Ages: 20-30
Nationality: Indian
Locations: Pune, Bangalore, Kochi, Trivandrum
Interview Insights
General cooking process takes around 30 mins, max 2 hrs.
Many people didn’t have good cooking skills, which is needed to sustain cooking by themselves daily.
People don't like some parts of cooking like washing, cutting, peeling, cleaning, etc.
People have to make routine changes to accommodate cooking.
Journey Map
To further understand the daily nutritional intake of bachelors and pain points, we did task analysis of a bachelor preparing breakfast and lunch/dinner.
We realised that people struggle to properly understand the food that their body needs, and often do not cook the right meals because of lack of knowledge, ingredients, confidence and time.
Balanced diet for Adults
Fruits and Vegetables
Meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy source of protein
Bread, rice, potato, pasta and other starchy food
Milk and dairy food
foods and drinks high in fats/ or sugar
Key Insights
"Healthy food does not taste good"
Not being able to afford resources for regular cooking
Cooking what's easy, not what's important
"How much to cook?"
No motivation to cook - no external support
Low confidence in
cooking skills
Tight schedules =
no time for cooking
Flavour and texture over nutritional value
Ignoring importance of
good food habits
Reframed Problem Statement
How might we enable bachelors to maintain a timely, nutritionally sufficient diet?
Possible Directions
Creating a consumable product that caters to the nutritional needs of the user while being easy to prepare and consume.
Creating a new appliance that simplifies and shortens the cooking process and encourages nutritional variety.
Creating a new set-up for the kitchen to simplify the cooking process and encourage healthy eating while being affordable and usable.
Key Requirements
1. Nutritional Variety
2. Shortens the cooking process significantly
3. Simplifies the cooking process
(fewer/ less complex steps)
1. Appealing in taste and texture
2. Motivate cooking/ increasing
confidence in cooking skills
3. Cook appropriate amount of food
1. Encourages a regular eating schedule
2. Helps enjoy the cooking process
3. Makes cleaning easy
Final Direction
Creating a consumable product that caters to the nutritional needs of the user while being simple to prepare and consume.
What does being simple mean?
Simplicity means that a user needs less effort, time, money, cognitive effort to do the activities.
At the same time, those activities need no or less training and they are familiar with those activities.
Market Research
We conducted market research to understand and analyze following aspects:
1. Consumers perception towards Ready-to-Eat food products
2. The factors that influence the buying behaviour of ready to eat food products
3. Understanding the changes in food culture and consumer behaviour shifts
Insights from Market Research
Healthier food is difficult to justify.
It was found that fruits and vegetables prices increased over time, while the price of snack foods decreased.
Nutritional Requirement is not fulfilled.
Day-to-day meals such as simple dals, lentils must be taken into consideration in order make consumption frequent.
Packaging of food items influences the purchase.
This is because packaging can make the item being perceived differently- unhealthy, nutritious, tasty, high quality, fresh, etc
Excess of anything is harmful to body.
The oil and salt content must be reduced in all varieties of Ready-To-Eat food products.
Market Opportunity
Healthy foods which are convenient do not justify the price and exceeds the user's spending limit.
Foods tagged as healthy are automatically perceived to be not tasty, hence decreasing the appeal, keeping customers away.
A lack of clarity about the idea and effectiveness of a healthy diet in user's mind.
Healthy foods / Ready-To -Eat meals are not designed to form a consistent habit.
The results of eating healthy food on daily basis shows up much later, and due to lack of many immediate incentives users end up giving up their goal of eating healthy food daily.
Ideation: Brainstorming food combinations
We brainstormed on meal combos by following the insights taken out of user research about the most commonly eaten foods and foods which we can easily bring nutritional variety,
Concept : SuperFood Culture
A service which provides doorstep delivery of customizable fresh, nutritiously rich meals or ingredients to make meals in the most simple manner.
Nutritionally Rich Food for Busy People
Food sources to create meals from
We created a list of ingredients to create meals from, and reviewed with nutritionists to gain feedback on what people should be eating more of.
Cauliflower & green peas stuffed beetroot wraps
Wrap with pink roti
Dough made with flour and beet puree
Stuffing made with cauliflower and green peas.
Salad of raw cabbage, cauliflower, boiled peas with added paneer.
Chicken rice bowl with Italian dressing
Tossed chicken, mixed vegetables and spinach on brown rice with olive oil sauce and Italian seasoning and pine nuts.
Protein of choice + Unrefined carb (roti, rice)+ Green leafy veg/mix veg +Herbs (Coriander/Mint) +Sauce of choice +Seasoning mix of choice +Nut mix/seeds
Our meals ensure that the user receives proper nutritional variety in a single package, while not compromising on flavour and texture
All our meals are crafted in combinations that enhances their nutritive value using locally available foods.
We let users modify/innovate/customize our product to meet their slightly variable needs, thereby improving its overall compatibility and quality
What Next?
Collaborate with nutritionists to
craft more appropriate
nutritional meal menus
Incorporate tools to clearly input data about the user like body composition, nutrient deficiencies, allergies to recommend better food options
Collaborate with local food suppliers and restaurants to streamline the supply chain as to minimize cost of each meal
Collaborate with developers to
fully develop the application features